A Beginner’s Guide to Skin Care: Everything That Should Be In Your Skincare Routine

February 16, 2023
By MJ Brioso
7 min read
A Beginner’s Guide to Skin Care: Everything That Should Be In Your Skincare Routine

Are you ready to start your journey towards healthier, brighter-looking skin? Navigating the skincare world can be overwhelming and intimidating, especially if you’re just starting. Don’t worry—you’re in the right place!

We'll walk through every step necessary to find and implement a routine tailored just for you - from identifying your exact skin type all the way through each basic skincare essential. So dive in and start on this journey toward a beautiful complexion today!

Get to Know Your Skin: An Overview of the Five Basic Skin Types

Determining your skin type is key to launching a successful skincare routine - each complexion has unique needs that need to be met. Finding the right products tailored specifically for you will help keep your skin looking and feeling healthy!

Normal Skin

Normal skin is well-balanced and displays no persistent skin concerns. It is neither too dry nor too oily and has a healthy complexion. Normal skin can be prone to occasional blemishes, but overall, it is healthy.

Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin comes in all shapes and sizes, with some feeling just a mild irritation from certain skincare ingredients, while others may suffer from redness, itching, or discomfort. It's important to remember that sensitivity doesn't always have an external sign – it can sometimes be more about how your skin feels than what you see.

Combination Skin

Combination skin type is a common skin type that combines dry and oily skin characteristics. It generally has an oily T-zone, which includes the forehead, nose, and chin, while the cheeks are typically drier. People with combination skin can experience enlarged pores, acne breakouts, blackheads, and oily build-up.

Dry Skin

A dry skin type is a skin type that lacks natural oils and moisture, making it appear dull, flaky, and often irritated. People with this skin type usually have pores that appear smaller than other skin types. It tends to require more effort when it comes to cleansing and moisturizing to maintain its health and vibrancy.

Oily Skin

Oily skin is a skin type characterized by excess sebum production. This often results in an overly shiny complexion, as the oil collects on the skin's surface and causes blemishes such as blackheads, whiteheads, and pimples. Managing oil production and keeping skin clean is essential for preventing breakouts and maintaining healthy skin.

Three-Step Skincare System

Having vibrant and healthy skin is within reach with a daily skincare routine! Ashley Magovern, M.D., dermatologist and founder of Manhattan Dermatology in California, suggests beginning your journey to glowing-looking skin with three simple steps - no matter what type you have!

Step 1: Cleanse

An effective skincare routine starts with a good cleansing regimen. Experts recommend that you wash your face twice daily - once upon waking and again before bedtime to get rid of the accumulated dirt, oil, sweat, and makeup from throughout the day or evening.

Start your day off right by performing a morning cleanse! It's an important step in any daily skincare routine, as it helps to rid the skin of dirt and oil that has built up overnight. Use a gentle cleanser followed by a moisturizer for the best results.

For an extra intensive cleanse at nighttime, Healthline suggests going for what’s known as “double cleaning” -- giving yourself added protection against all that grime built up throughout the day!

Depending on your skincare needs, here are some suggestions to make daily cleansing as easy and hassle-free as possible.

  • Oily Skin: An invigorating foaming or gel cleanser will wash away dirt and oil, while powerhouse ingredients like niacinamide and salicylic acid help regulate sebum production for a balanced complexion.
  • Combination Skin: Try using a gentle foaming cleanser packed with powerful ingredients like salicylic acid, glycolic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and sulfur – you'll be amazed by the results.
  • Sensitive Skin: Treat yourself to the miracle of micellar water or a luxurious oil-based cleansing balm--a gentle way to wipe away dirt and debris without stripping your skin's protective layer.
  • Dry Skin: The ultimate solution to perfectly hydrated skin lies in a luscious cream or balm packed with nourishing ceramides, glycerin, hyaluronic acid, and botanical oils.

Step 2: Moisturize

Moisturizing may not seem like the best move for those with oily skin, but it's a key step in an effective skincare routine. Interestingly enough, VeryWellHealth notes that dehydration can often be behind excessive oiliness—so moisturize away to find your perfect balance!

If you have oily skin, go for a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer to avoid extra shine. Dry skin? Reach for thicker formulas filled with moisture and nourishment. For those blessed with normal skin, lighter creams in the summer heat can help keep your complexion looking radiant, while switching up to something richer during winter months will ensure hydration year round!

Here's how to choose a moisturizer formula based on your skin type:

  • Oily or acne-prone skin: Opt for light, non-comedogenic, or oil-free lotions and gel formulas to keep your skin looking fresh!
  • Sensitive skin: Look for formulas designed to be gentle, hypoallergenic and not contain potential skin-unfriendly ingredients such as fragrances or alcohols.
  • Dry skin: Keep your skin hydrated and healthy this winter with a luxurious cream packed full of nourishing ingredients such as emollients, humectants, ceramides, and occlusives!

Step 3: Protect

A good skincare routine isn't complete without proper sun protection! Put on your sunscreen 15-30 minutes before stepping out – the higher the SPF rating, the better.

Protect yourself from the sun's harsh rays with broad-spectrum sunscreen – look for one rated SPF 30 or higher to shield you against both UVA and UVB exposure recommended by the American Cancer Society. Finding the right formula that works best for your skin may take some trial and error - but it's worth taking an extra step to protect one of our most valuable assets: beautiful skin!

Add in optional steps as needed

Having a good skincare routine is paramount to having healthy, glowing skin. Beyond cleansing and moisturizing, you can add extra treatments such as serums or creams that contain potent actives like vitamin C, retinol, hyaluronic acid, and alpha hydroxy acids to target specific concerns.

Find relief for your skin's unique needs with the perfect treatment product - from hydration to a brighter complexion, anti-aging effects to smoother texture, and acne control! Transform your skincare routine today, and watch as you witness remarkable results.


Exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells from the skin's surface. It can be done manually, with physical exfoliants like scrubs and brushes, or chemically with peels and exfoliating ingredients like AHAs (alpha hydroxy acids) and BHAs (beta hydroxy acids).

Physical exfoliants use gritty beads or sugar to scrape away dead skin cells. However, these methods are often too harsh and may cause irritation- not ideal when trying to achieve glowing skin! Instead, opt for chemical exfoliants such as AHAs or BHAs, which work just as well without the risk of micro-tears.


Giving your daily skincare routine a boost with the right serum isn't just about looking good. Its effects can go beyond simple aesthetics, and Vitamin C serums are an ideal way to treat sun damage while bringing out the natural glow in your skin. And not only that - they’re also lightweight enough for everyday use, so you can get all these benefits even on hectic mornings!

A hyaluronic acid serum is another good option. It is gentle and can be used with your moisturizer. This will help your skin to be hydrated and look plumper. As with any new product, test it on a small area of skin first. Then use it once a week, and gradually use it more often if there are no bad reactions.


Retinol, also known as Vitamin A, is one of the most powerful ingredients used in skin care products. It helps to reduce wrinkles, brightens dark spots, evens out skin tone and texture, increases collagen production, and encourages cell turnover – all of which help to make the skin look younger and more radiant.

When it comes to retinol, the key is caution. This powerful ingredient should only be used at night and never combined with AHAs or BHAs - instead, alternate these products on different nights so your skin can reap all of their benefits. Enjoy a clear complexion come morning by applying plenty of sunscreen before heading out!

Eye Cream

An eye cream can be a great addition to any skincare routine if you're looking for some extra TLC in the eye area. With specialized ingredients that help reduce dark circles and smooth fine lines, it’s an easy way to give yourself a little boost of confidence!

Say goodbye to puffy eyes and hello to bright, refreshed-looking peepers! An easy way of achieving this is by applying your eye cream with a metal rollerball that has been chilled in the fridge. Just a few minutes each day can make all the difference - use it both morning and night for an extra cooling effect.

Get Glowing Skin

Great skin doesn't happen overnight. It requires a combination of knowledge, products, and consistency to get you the results you desire. By following these tips as part of your daily routine, you should start seeing an improvement in your skin's overall appearance within a few weeks. Don't give up if you don't see results immediately - keep at it and know that healthier skin is on the horizon!



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